Take a look at some of our screen printing projects.
Custom apparel created to your exact specifications is what you can expect when you work with the staff at Bullseye Activewear. We can work with your supplied artwork, " tweak" your rough idea or our graphic artists on staff can create something unique for your event or organization. If you have a trademarked logo, school mascot or special pantone color match we will make sure your specifications are followed exactly in order to maintain your unique identity and strengthen your image and brand.
Our pre-press department features a large format Epson image setter, Epson color proofing station and the patented M&R Trilock registration system. By imaging film instead of vellum and having Newman Roller screens at our disposal we are able to hold the critical details of your artwork in our screen making and while on press. Rest assured that with a Pantone color viewing booth press- side and another in the ink mixing department, our shop will be able to match your proofs and specific corporate colors. We are continuously upgrading our equipment and working on improvements to our products and procedures so that we continue to offer great pre-press services.
Our press rooom produces quality sportswear utilizing industry leading technologies from top manufactures including Stretch Devices, RJ Jennings, Stahls and M&R companies. We are constantly researching the latest techniques and equipment available and we routinely invest in new technologies. Recently we added an automatic 12 color M&R press, with three quartz flashes to our equipment mix. This coupled with upgrades to our drying capabilities means we can handle all of your custom work from 1 shirt to 50,000 or more. With the addition of this state of the art equipment we have seen notable increases in quality, fine tune adjustments, speed and imprint size - all things that will help our customers now and into the future.