October 30, 2020
Fall Harvest Embroidery Video
We hope everyone is enjoying the fall colors and anticipating the return of the Great Pumpkin this Halloween!
In the spirit of Halloween, we are sharing this incredibly detailed fall harvest design we recently embroidered. When people tour our facility, they are always fascinated by the sophistication of the embroidery process so we thought we would take you behind the curtain of the embroidery process.
The fall harvest design is all one color, totals just over 108,000 individual stitches and took 2 hours and 10 minutes to embroider. You read that right... it was on our embroidery machine for over two hours! We are sharing a video so you can see the design at various stages of completion. You will have the opportunity to compare the progress at different stitch count intervals while keeping tabs on the total stitch count in the video. You can watch the design taking shape and see it through completion.

This was embroidered on our 4-head Tajima Tmarc embroidery machine. The 4-head machine lets us to embroider 4 shirts at the same time.
Enjoy the video and Happy Halloween!